As part of the Szechenyi 2020 program, the EFOP-3.6.2-16-2017-00013 project first and foremost is aiming to support the expansion and innovation of the research system. The members of the tender are the following: Eötvös Lóránd University, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, and Pazmany Peter Catholic University.
Mentored by the Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics of Pazmany Peter Catholic University, the scholars continue their studies by concentrating on different research fields in Esztergom. With the help of the tender several workshops, and more than ten international conferences will be held in Esztergom city in the next two years.
Consequently, the PPCU and its consortium partners are planning to intensify their international relations, and learn about each other’s scientific results thus establishing a comprehensive system of researchers.
The intensity of support is 100%. The total cost of the project is HUF 957.487.056, for the PPCU it is HUF 196.923.000. The tender named Thematic Research Collaboration establishing Innovative IT and ICT Solutions is to be realized with the support of the EU Social Fund.
The Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics aims at the anthropocentric information technology education based on the extensive fundamental subjects including the basics of life sciences and on the constantly developing high technologies. Our purpose is to train such professionals who, due to their deep multidisciplinary theoretical knowledge and erudition, furnished with up-to-date and ethical management skills, will become constructive experts in modern practical problems and in a wide range of scientific research.
Bioinformatics & System Biology Department of Our University

About Esztergom
Esztergom is one of the most historic towns in Hungary. Throughout the rich history of our town, times of bright kings, significant events, rich palaces and churches were followed by the massacre of vicious battles, the raids of Tatar and Turkish hords – devastation, followed by reconstruction.
The history of the town accumulates the history of the whole country. There is not a single decade in the millennial Hungarian history without reference to Esztergom’s name. Where has this historical capital disappeared? Where are its once-famous monuments?
Official website of the council of Esztergom: CLICK HERE